We are aware of the fact that there is no need for the production of new clothes anymore.

Authentic Vintage Clothing is the most sustainable option to wear.

So let’s rewear Vintage.

We stand for sustainability, quality and transparency. We even take some extra steps to offer you a completely sustainable option. Our values ​​manifest themselves at all levels of our company:

About Me

Welcome! I’m Kate. Nice to meet you. Have you also seen Girlboss on Netflix? I have to admit that I didn’t watch it only once. (As well as Queen’s Gambit.) Definitely pretty entertaining and on top they show and rewear a few gorgeous authentic Vintage finds. But here are

3 reasons why I wouldn’t call myself girlboss:

First of all, in the series Girlboss Sophia Amoruso is portrayed in a very narcissistic way. I just hope that she wasn’t like that in real life.

Secondly, I’m not a giiiiirrrl. Not (…) (anymore), (…) yet a woman. Here we are – at one of the y2k queens: Britney Spears. When her song hit the charts, I was a girl on her way to becoming a teenager. I’m definitely happy that I’m not a girl anymore, and even more that I’m over these times in between… I’m glad about counting a few more years of life experience.

Third, and the most personal one: I’m not that teen anymore watching and trying to assist my Granny tailoring the corset top of the perfect princess prom dress to my size. Her showing me her expertise in tailoring. The moment I tried this dream of a dress on was like magic. At the prom, some told me that I’ve never looked so ravishing in a dress before. At that time I didn’t know that it was Vintage. I hadn’t even heard of this term back then. Now I know.

I still remember the times when I was studying textile design and participated at the INDIGO – PREMIÈRE VISION PARIS. I created my own collection of textile designs, and I was proud to present it at the design fair in Paris myself. During my time off I was exploring the city and stumbled upon a Vintage store. The concept of this beautifully designed store filled with wonderful clothes from another era was new to me.

Young entrepreneur of Rêvelance in a café, smiles and thinks about what's next. She loves to rewear Vintage clothes, especially her favourite #1: a gorgeous floral Vintage dress from her granny.
Young woman wears a light academia trend inspired outfit: a beige woolen Vintage skirt and a white vintage blouse. She enjoys to rewear Vintage , her flowy skirt moves in the wind.

Two months later I heard of the Rana Plaza factory collapse. It made me sad and angry at the same time. I decided to stop shopping and thus stop supporting Fast Fashion. I already discovered a better solution in Paris: Rewear Vintage.

At university I started to learn about fashion history. I especially enjoyed doing research on Yves Saint Laurent. I still watched fashion shows from time to time but from that time on I had one déjà vu after another. I was demystified and realised that most designers and trends are inspired by former trends of some decades ago. I became passionate about Vintage Clothing.

After graduation, new in Vienna, I started to gain experience in processes of curating art. Curating includes the organisation, selection and display of pieces of art. Some thought I was very passionate about curatorial ethics – I’d say I’ve always been an idealist and wanted things to change, in order to improve.

All of these experiences led to where I am now:

A young female entrepreneur, with idealism and experience in textile design.

Processes now after I founded my business are surprisingly similar to curatorial tasks. I still curate & care, but in another field: Authentic Vintage Clothing. Because it’s the most sustainable and unique option to wear.

Just to let you know: „We“ is used in place of me when referring to my business. At this point I would like to thank my family and friends. Without your support this would never have been possible.